Something Tells Us These Babies Don’t Like What Mom And Dad Served For Dinner

As all parents know, kids are very fussy about what they eat.

And they aren’t shy about letting Mom and Dad know that they aren’t pleased with their meals. Even babies can convey what foods they do and don’t like with the expressions on their faces — and it’s pretty entertaining. Watching their little mouths either beaming or scrunching up in disgust at certain tastes is both adorable and hilarious. That’s why we’re sharing a few of the funniest reactions these cuties have had to foods they definitely don’t prefer.

1. This little guy will pass on the applesauce, thanks.

2. Tell me how you really feel, sweetheart.

3. “Not the peas! Anything but the peas!”

4. I think she’ll stick to breastmilk or formula.

5. “Get that green crap away from me!”

6. “What filth did you just put into my mouth?!”

If you’re a parent, what foods did your kids hate as babies? Be sure to let us know all about the hilarity you witnessed below.

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