Stealing Usually Goes Better When You Don’t Run Into A Police Station Right After

Talk about a major fail. After stealing a woman’s cell phone, this incompetent thief ran directly into a police station.

Reportedly, the 38-year-old man wasn’t familiar with the neighborhood, but isn’t a solid getaway plan the first rule of any robbery? As the security footage shows, he snatches a cell phone, only to run right through the open gates of the Longgang District Police Station in Shenzhen, China. Sorry, sir, but it doesn’t look like thievery was your true calling in life after all.

The ensuing arrest was so casual that the police officer didn’t even stop smoking his cigarette. Puff, puff, HANDCUFFS!

Read More: Silly Humans Try To Lock Up The Dog — Dog Says Hell To The No, People

If you needed one good reason not to run around stealing cell phones, this is it! Be sure to share this crazy fail with your friends and family.

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