He Handed His Girlfriend A Tattoo Gun. What Followed Was The Riskiest Proposal Ever.

When you commit yourself to tying the knot, you take a vow to remain faithful to one person for the rest of your life. However, marriage isn’t the only permanent thing about this tattoo artist’s relationship.

Vinny Capaldo-Smith, a tattoo artist from Colorado, knew early on that his girlfriend, Brooke Wodark, was the one. So when the time came for him to propose to the love of his life, he knew he wanted to do things a bit differently by staying true to himself. Just moments before popping the question, Smith asked Wodark to tattoo his leg, and when she rolled up his pants, she was totally stunned.

Remember those old “check yes” notes we used to pass to our crushes in the hallway? Well, Smith took that idea to a whole new level.

Remember those old "check yes" notes we used to pass to our crushes in the hallway? Well, Smith took that idea to a whole new level.

Facebook / Brooke Wodark

Thankfully Wodark checked yes, otherwise that tattoo would have been permanently awkward.


(Via Bored Panda)

How cute is it that Smith and Wodark will always have a reminder of their love for one another? Share the adorable proposal if you think he’s a badass for going all out like this!

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