20 People Who Deftly Avoided Disaster By Pure Chance

In the blink of an eye, life can go from peachy to totally disastrous.

Whether it’s a car accident that miraculously didn’t take lives, or something less dangerous like dropping a family heirloom down the drain, close calls with disaster can leave us holding our breath. And because these 20 people you’re about to see have narrowly escaped their predicaments, it’s clear that they have guardian angels looking out for them.

1. They say you should always check the ATM before inserting your card, and for good reason.

They say you should always check the ATM before inserting your card, and for good reason.

Reddit /atlas5280

2. Whose bright idea was it to put a light pole there, anyway?

Whose bright idea was it to put a light pole there, anyway?

Reddit / lehighwiz

3. It only took a few miles before she realized this precious cargo was still sitting on her bumper.

It only took a few miles before she realized this precious cargo was still sitting on her bumper.


4. A WWI soldier’s coins in his breast pocket saved him from suffering a serious injury.

A WWI soldier's coins in his breast pocket saved him from suffering a serious injury.

Reddit / Fadawah

5. See that engagement ring sitting there? Talk about a lucky break.

See that engagement ring sitting there? Talk about a lucky break.

Imgur / ItsDamnHardToGetAGoodUsername

6. The driver who took the photo was about two seconds away from being trapped under that.

The driver who took the photo was about two seconds away from being trapped under that.

Reddit / Tamerito

7. This cell phone narrowly avoided a totally shitty day!


8. Cell phones aren’t just good for making phone calls. Thye can save you from losing a leg to a chainsaw.

Cell phones aren't just good for making phone calls. Thye can save you from losing a leg to a chainsaw.

Reddit / WarlockRock11

9. That was close!

That was close!

Reddit / markpitts

10. It barely broke the skin.

It barely broke the skin.

Reddit / tinybell

11. God must be looking down on this guy. He avoided contact with both his femur and kneecap.

God must be looking down on this guy. He avoided contact with both his femur and kneecap.

Imgur /ILLMATIC1994

12. I’ve never had a fortune cookie let me down.

I've never had a fortune cookie let me down.

Reddit / blakblob

13. Step on a crack and break your mother’s back, but what happens when you step on a snake? Thankfully no one had to find out!


14. Sorry, but cat isn’t on the menu.

Sorry, but cat isn't on the menu.

Reddit / ShirePony

15. I feel like there should be a guardrail here.

I feel like there should be a guardrail here.

Reddit /atrais

16. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.

Reddit / Unusual_Request

17. No matter how stupid you look, always wear your safety goggles.

No matter how stupid you look, always wear your safety goggles.

Reddit / austaul

18. That definitely would have hurt!

That definitely would have hurt!

Reddit / nomdeweb

19. It’s a swing and a miss.

It's a swing and a miss.

Reddit / The_Fool-On-The_Hill

20. After this shark took a bite, thankfully he decided that this lucky lady didn’t taste too good.

After this shark took a bite, thankfully he decided that this lucky lady didn't taste too good.

Twitter / kprcrobert

(via Bored Panda)

Dang. You don’t get to experience luck like that twice.

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