If You Have A Dog, You’ll Fall In Love With This Amazing Artist’s Comics

When we welcome a dog into our lives, we’re ready for the cuddles and the mishaps.

Or at least we think we are. There are so many hilarious moments with every pup that we’re not able to capture. That’s why Gemma Gené began illustrating her life with her pug Mochi, and the results are hilarious and relatable for every dog owner.

Gemma is a painter and sculptor from Barcelona, Spain, but she draws comics in her free time.


She’s gained quite the following on Instagram for her posts about her pug, Mochi, and their life together.


They recreate moments that are sweet…and sour.


Basically every dog owner has experienced these at one point or another.


Her style of drawing is adorable and captivating, playing out each scene in just one frame.


If you’re loving these comics, go follow her on Instagram to get regular images straight to your phone.


(via BoredPanda)

She’s so talented. Mochi has been immortalized on the internet in such a loving way. Which comic is most like your dog? Let us know in the comments!

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