He Was Devastated When A Delay Made Him Miss Graduation. Then Strangers Did This.

Jerich Alcantara didn’t want to be late for his graduation at the Hunter-Bellevue College of Nursing in New York, so he and his family made sure to leave with enough time to make it.

Although they boarded a subway train in Queens two hours before the commencement began in Manhattan, somebody pulled the emergency brake not long after they got on. Unfortunately, the delay lasted hours, making Alcantara miss the graduation he’d been so excited for. That’s when, along with his family and best friend, strangers on the train decided to throw him his own special ceremony that I’m sure he’ll never forget.

Watch as the subway passengers celebrate Alcantara’s academic achievements and present him with his “diploma.” They’re so sweet!


Their kindness turned his day from one big disappointment to a memory he’ll probably always cherish. Be sure to share this heartwarming video if you love what they did for him!

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