They Met On A Train Years Ago. Then The Conductor Made A Tear-Jerking Announcement.

One of the best parts about life is that it’s always full of surprises.

Sure, plenty of the things that unexpectedly happen to us aren’t that great, but we also get to experience rare moments that end up changing the course of our lives for the better — just ask this lucky man. While riding the train one day, he met a woman who ended up becoming the love of his life. When they shared the same train again 10 years later, he had the opportunity to return the favor and surprise her in the best way possible.

Listen to the conductor’s announcement below and watch how it turned this lady’s day into one of the best of her life. So sweet!

What an awesome way to incorporate how they met into the future they’ll share together.Be sure to share this heartwarming video with all the couples you know!


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