Her Water Broke On Live TV, But Aside From A Giggle, You Wouldn’t Even Know It!

News anchors are known for being calm, cool, and collected.

Their job required reporting the news for us without showing a lot of emotion. After all, they need to relay the facts quickly and efficiently to keep people informed and safe.

It’s actually a really difficult skill that not a lot of people have. Natalie Pasquarella of News 4 New York is the consummate professional, though, and when her water broke on live television she managed to keep it together.

Pasquarella was live on air for the evening newscast when she realized she was going into labor.


When her water broke, she let out a small giggle. No one around her or watching even knew what was happening!


Watch the newscast and her co-anchors’ reactions in the clip below. You’ll even get to see a picture of the beautiful baby boy who has joined her family.

I know I wouldn’t be able to stay calm under that kind of pressure. She’s ready for the trials of motherhood, that’s for sure!

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