This Ancient Form Of Torture Was The Worst, Most Complicated Way To Die

Milk and honey are classic metaphors for hope and heaven, but this slow method of torture may change your views on both of them (and it’ll probably kill your appetite in the process).

Scaphism, also known simply as “the boats,” was an ancient Persian execution technique described as a torturous death by their enemies, the Greeks.It involved two boats, milk, honey, and insects, which may sound like a random assortment of items, but they all came together to form an act that was pretty much the opposite of heavenly.Just be glad you weren’t around to experience it for yourself.

The first step in performing scaphism was to strip the victim naked and fasten them between two identical row boats with their limbs sticking out.

The first step in performing scaphism was to strip the victim naked and fasten them between two identical row boats with their limbs sticking out.

YouTube / Rob Dyke

After that, the unlucky person was force-fed insane amounts of milk and honey until they developed an explosive case of diarrhea.Then they were covered in honey (with a particular focus on the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus) before being left in the torture sandwich on a pond.

After that, the unlucky person was force-fed insane amounts of milk and honey until they developed an explosive case of diarrhea.Then they were covered in honey (with a particular focus on the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus) before being left in the torture sandwich on a pond.

Flickr / Siona Karen

While they were floating, they would be stung and bitten by various insects drawn to the honey and feces all over their bodies.The bugs would burrow into their exposed flesh, causing them to get gangrene.

While they were floating, they would be stung and bitten by various insects drawn to the honey and feces all over their bodies.The bugs would burrow into their exposed flesh, causing them to get gangrene.

YouTube /Scaphism

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The force-feeding step would sometimes be repeated daily to prevent dehydration and starvation, ultimately prolonging the torture — but victims eventually died from one of the two or septic shock.

The force-feeding step would sometimes be repeated daily to prevent dehydration and starvation, ultimately prolonging the torture -- but victims eventually died from one of the two or septic shock.

YouTube / Rob Dyke

Whoever came up with this method of torture must have been a very, very disturbed individual.Be sure to SHARE this story if you’re happy that scaphism is a thing of the past.

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