This Guy Transformed Himself Into A Hero, But Not The One You’d Expect!

With the new “Wonder Woman” movie finally out in theaters, it’s not hard to see why fans would want to emulate the superhero’s looks and style — but this guy takes it to an amazing level.

Paolo Ballesteros is a 34-year-old Filipino actor, TV host, model, and impersonator known for pulling off incredible makeup transformations. In one of his latest videos, he seamlessly changes himself into actress Gal Gadot’s take on Wonder Woman and it’s something you really have to see to believe.

Watch as Ballesteros transforms into the beautiful superhero below and just try not to be impressed by the incredible result.

Read More: 11 Horrifying Ingredients In Vintage Beauty Products (And The Ones You Use Today)

If you’d like to check out more of Ballesteros’ work, you can find him on Instagram. Be sure to share if you wish your makeup game was even half as strong as his.

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