These 23 Photos Were Taken A SECOND Before Disaster Struck. OMG!

Each of us experience embarrassment from time to time… but it’s NOTHING like what these 23 people had to live through. Moments after these pictures were taken, their worlds were ripped apart. And it’s absolutely hilarious. It seriously doesn’t get better than this.

1. Taken before he had to sit on a donut for the rest of the year.

1. Taken before he had to sit on a donut for the rest of the year.

2. Taken before the dog got seriously addicted to chips

2. Taken before the dog got seriously addicted to chips

3. Taken before deciding to never forgive her brother for a stupid idea

3. Taken before deciding to never forgive her brother for a stupid idea

4. Taken before gravity finally won

4. Taken before gravity finally won

5. Taken before she realized jumping off of a swing was a really stupid idea

5. Taken before she realized jumping off of a swing was a really stupid idea

6. Taken before that lady even realized she was falling

6. Taken before that lady even realized she was falling

7. Taken before some hot surfer chicks got a little cooled off

7. Taken before some hot surfer chicks got a little cooled off

8. Taken before realizing just HOW MUCH this was going to hurt

8. Taken before realizing just HOW MUCH this was going to hurt

9. Taken before an awful chain reaction involving a bottle of Sriacha and a pile of mattresses

9. Taken before an awful chain reaction involving a bottle of Sriacha and a pile of mattresses

10. Taken before realizing BMX was maybe just not for him

10. Taken before realizing BMX was maybe just not for him

11. Taken before that pesky wasp destroyed their worlds

11. Taken before that pesky wasp destroyed their worlds

12. Taken before saying maybe the bag broke

12. Taken before saying maybe the bag broke

13. Taken before everyone else got covered in slobber

13. Taken before everyone else got covered in slobber

14. Taken before he ruined her night

14. Taken before he ruined her night

15. Taken before making their teen daughter hate them

15. Taken before making their teen daughter hate them

16. Taken before realizing maybe going to a concert was a bad idea

16. Taken before realizing maybe going to a concert was a bad idea

17. Taken before spending thousands on facial reconstruction sugery

17. Taken before spending thousands on facial reconstruction sugery

18. Taken before an awful, awful fight

18. Taken before an awful, awful fight

19. Taken before deciding to maybe put the goat back outside

19. Taken before deciding to maybe put the goat back outside

20. Taken before realizing that she was on FIRE that night… literally

20. Taken before realizing that she was on FIRE that night... literally

21. Taken before getting 240 likes on Facebook

21. Taken before getting 240 likes on Facebook

22. Taken before the most epic snowball fight of all time

22. Taken before the most epic snowball fight of all time

23. Taken before thinking about how holding onto the bike is probably a good idea

23. Taken before thinking about how holding onto the bike is probably a good idea

I hope their egos healed. And their faces.

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