What This Teacher Was Caught Saying To A Black Student Will Make You Cringe

We all know that teenage boys can be quite a handful, but the way this teacher handled a misbehaving student was unnecessary and incredibly inappropriate.

While supervising a study hall class at Apex Middle School in Apex, North Carolina, 53-year-old Dick Wesendunk saw a seventh-grader laughing at one of his classmates. He decided to reprimand the 13-year-old, who is black, and what he said to the teen was horribly racist. Another student recorded the encounter, which ultimately got Wesendunk suspended from his job.

At the start of the video, Wesendunk can be heard saying, “Did I call you a n****r? No. I said you’re being controlled by him and that’s exactly what happened to slaves. They were controlled by their owners. You’re letting him control you.”


Allen Ellzey, the principal of the school, released the following message to parents about the incident.

This morning I became aware of a video that showed a teacher arguing with a student.

I immediately contacted the WCPSS Human Resources department because the language used by the teacher raised concerns. They, in turn, suspended the teacher pending an investigation.

While we are not at liberty to discuss confidential personnel information, please be assured that the district takes any complaints against personnel seriously and is committed to fair and thorough investigations and resolutions of such matters.

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After seeing the video for herself, the boy’s mother has pulled him out of school. “I’m furious about this situation because my son is far from a slave and now he doesn’t want to return back to school because of the humiliation and also because he’s scared,” she said. Share if you think what this teacher said was unacceptable.

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