These 29 Business Cards Are So Brilliant You Can’t Help But Keep Them. But #17, That’s Just Wrong. LOL.

How many business cards have you kept and remembered after meeting someone new? A few? One? None? More than likely, you have thrown away or stored most of the business cards you were handed without giving them more thought. It would impossible to do that with these 29 business cards. They are all so delightfully creative and memorable, it’s hard to imagine them anywhere but lying on your desk or tacked to a bulletin board.

1.) A business card that’s also a cheese grater

1.) A business card that's also a cheese grater

2.) Mini plungers, complete with the plumber’s contact information.

2.) Mini plungers, complete with the plumber's contact information.

3.) LEGO agents for a business

3.) LEGO agents for a business

4.) These unique wine Sommelière cards

4.) These unique wine Sommelière cards

5.) A mini yoga mat card for a yoga studio

5.) A mini yoga mat card for a yoga studio

6.) A landscaping business card that’s an investment in their own future

6.) A landscaping business card that's an investment in their own future

7.) An empty picture frame business card

7.) An empty picture frame business card

8.) A yoga trainer’s business card that encourages you to stretch

8.) A yoga trainer's business card that encourages you to stretch

9.) This adorable seed packet business card

9.) This adorable seed packet business card

10.) A stylish transparent business card

10.) A stylish transparent business card

11.) A business card… made out of makeup

11.) A business card... made out of makeup

12.) A dentist’s cavity card

12.) A dentist's cavity card

13.) Adorable toy chair business card

13.) Adorable toy chair business card

14.) Grillable (but not edible) business card

14.) Grillable (but not edible) business card

15.) A bike repair shop’s highly useful business card

15.) A bike repair shop's highly useful business card

16.) A hairstylist’s card that you can style yourself

16.) A hairstylist's card that you can style yourself

17.) A business card for circumcisions

17.) A business card for circumcisions

18.) This card that doubles as a small music box

18.) This card that doubles as a small music box

19.) A transformable cargo box card

19.) A transformable cargo box card

20.) A dried meat, edible card… for a survival training

20.) A dried meat, edible card... for a survival training

21.) A tennis card (that gives table tennis a new meaning)

21.) A tennis card (that gives table tennis a new meaning)

22.) An even photographer’s viewfinder card

22.) An even photographer's viewfinder card

23.) Salt, a restaurant, has a saltshaker card

23.) Salt, a restaurant, has a saltshaker card

24.) A business card that will roll up into a kind of “filter”

24.) A business card that will roll up into a kind of "filter"

25.) A cool, tearable business card for a personal trainer

25.) A cool, tearable business card for a personal trainer

26.) This card for another personal trainer stretches like a resistance band

26.) This card for another personal trainer stretches like a resistance band

27.) This yoga center’s bendy straw

27.) This yoga center's bendy straw

28.) A finance firm’s trendy (or trending) card

28.) A finance firm's trendy (or trending) card

29.) A divorce lawyer’s tearable business card

29.) A divorce lawyer's tearable business card

(H/T Bored Panda) Try forgetting about the business that made you grill their business card, or the yoga studio who gave you a mini yoga mat as their card. These are brilliant marketing tactics… plus, they are super cool. These cards are genius. Share them with others!

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