There are people throughout history who change the world for the better. Scientists, politicians, theologians — they do things that advance humanity and move our species to a better way of living. However, there are also people that just…make us lose hope in the human race, in general.
1. Take that! Oh wait…
2. HOLE!
3. Nothing good comes from laser pointers.
4. Somehow…this seemed like a smart idea.
5. It turns out this skateboard fights dirty.
6. Whooooooooops!
7. Guess what? Animals bite!
8. How was this a good idea?
9. Oh…my god.
10. Skateboarding is easy. But walking?
11. You’re going to pay for that, right?
12. Someone’s too cool for school…
13. Walk it off, bro.
14. Chicago Bears fans have one weakness — poles.
15. Please…please be able to walk.
16. Well, that’s unfortunate.
17. How did you imagine this turning out?
18. These two have WAY too much free time…
19. Karma — it really is real!
20. Oh, my…ribs…OUCH!
21. El Smacko!
22. Brake…brake…BRAAAAKE!
23. FYI…he was ok. Whoa.
24. Here’s why delivery via skateboard isn’t a great idea.
25. What on Earth were you trying to do?!
26. Well, that was a stupid idea. HAHA.
27. Honestly, did you expect a different ending?
The world may not be a better place with these people…but at least it certainly is funnier.