Here’s What A Dog Who DEFINITELY Didn’t Eat A Granola Bar Looks Like

In my household, snacks are treated like gold.

It gets to the point where everyone in my house hides food from each other if we buy something extra yummy. Something tells me that’s how these pet parents feel about food…at least when it comes to their pooch getting to it.

When the couple returned home to find their dog had gotten her paws into a box of granola bars, they couldn’t help but laugh. Watch what happens when they expose her.

“Whoa…whoa, man. I’d never do that.”

Read More: If You’ve Ever Been Too Tired To Play With The Kids, These Hounds Know Your Struggle

Has your pup ever stuck their paws in the cookie jar? Let us know in the comments and share if that guilty face is something you’ve seen before!

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