Carey Hart Posts Adorable Tribute To Pink In Honor Of Her People Magazine Cover

Singer Pink and her husband, Carey Hart, are the definition of “couple goals” to many of their fans, and it’s not hard to see why.

They’ve always made it more than clear that they absolutely adore each other and their two children, six-year-old Willow and one-year-old Jameson. Hart, in particular, has always been quick to celebrate Pink’s many accomplishments — and what he recently posted to his wife of 12 years on Instagram is making fans melt.

Pink, along with Willow and Jameson, are on the cover of People Magazine’s2018 “Beautiful Issue,” and Hart couldn’t be more proud.

“So proud of mama @pink and the kiddos!!!! They are on the cover of @people this week for the ‘Beautiful Issue,’” he wrote. “I can tell you this, NO ONE works harder and deserves this more than my wife.”

“This is a woman [who] busted her ass for the last 20 years and EARNED her success. And the fact that you are such a positive role model for the youth, makes me your biggest fan. I’m proud of you baby, you are beautiful inside and out.” Isn’t he sweet?

In the “Beautiful Issue,” Pink opened up about how humbling parenthood has been for her. “The thing about parenting is you never know if anything you’re doing is working,” she told People. “That’s been the most humbling thing for me. In my head, I sound amazing and then I turn around and [my daughter’s] eyes are completely glazed over. I have no idea. We’ll see.”

She also described how she’s teaching her kids how some rules can — and should — be broken. “I have boys that flip dirt bags and I have boy friends that wear dresses. It’s all okay to me. It’s whatever floats your boat. So that’s the kind of house that we live in,” she said.

“I always tell Willow, ‘I’m going to teach you the rules so that you’ll know how and when to break them.'”

(via Simplemost)

And this is why we love Pink and her adorable family so much. Congrats, girl!

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