Husband Sends Wife Photos To ‘Turn Her On’ And They’re Not What You’d Expect

Division of labor in the home is an important topic.

Often, women are expected to do the cooking and cleaning, but everyone in a relationship is happier if both parties chip in. Not to mention that not all romantic relationships are between a man and a woman, and setting clear cleaning boundaries can be important with kids and roommates, too.

One woman must not have been thrilled with her husband’s contributions to the household, because he decided to step up to the plate one day to clean the house. He even has the pictures to prove it.

Reddit user dirty-ol-sob posted a series of photos with the following caption, “My wife really likes it when I do house work so I sent her these pictures while she was at work hoping it would turn her on.”

Reddit user dirty-ol-sob posted a series of photos with the following caption, "My wife really likes it when I do house work so I sent her these pictures while she was at work hoping it would turn her on."

Reddit / dirty-ol-sob

He continued, “The only thing I accomplished was making all her coworkers she showed the texts to laugh at how dumb I am…. and getting a clean house.”

He continued, "The only thing I accomplished was making all her coworkers she showed the texts to laugh at how dumb I am…. and getting a clean house."

Reddit / dirty-ol-sob

He has a great sense of humor about the whole thing, and he insists that he does regularly help out around the house. “I’m no Mr. Clean, but I do my fair share of cleaning,” he told BoredPanda. “If your wife has a full time job and you’re not helping with chores you better damn well be putting in overtime to satisfy her in other ways.”

He has a great sense of humor about the whole thing, and he insists that he does regularly help out around the house. “I’m no Mr. Clean, but I do my fair share of cleaning,” he told BoredPanda. “If your wife has a full time job and you’re not helping with chores you better damn well be putting in overtime to satisfy her in other ways.”

Reddit / dirty-ol-sob

Still, there’s some question about just how clean the house got. He wrote, “Notice how the power chord on the vacuum is still wrapped up and not even plugged in… I was definitely more into the pictures than the cleaning.”

Still, there's some question about just how clean the house got. He wrote, "Notice how the power chord on the vacuum is still wrapped up and not even plugged in... I was definitely more into the pictures than the cleaning."

Reddit / dirty-ol-sob

(via BoredPanda)

I’m sure his wife appreciated the gesture and laughed a lot. These two sound like they have a great and communicative relationship. #goals

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