40 Embarrassing Childhood Photos That Prove Being A Kid Is Always Mortifying

We’ve all known that feeling you get when you bring a new significant other over to meet your parents and before you can put a stop to it, Mom reaches for that photo album full of regrets.

Growing up is all about discovering who you are, and that can sometimes entail donning some interesting styles or developing weird quirks that make you look back now and shake your head. And because parents love to document your journey, there’s photographic evidence.

These 40 images will haunt their subjects forever.

1. Friday night at the mall always looked something like this.

Friday night at the mall always looked something like this.

Reddit / PatrickKelly2012

2. That face says it all.

That face says it all.

Reddit / sarahkelleher

3. I don’t remember my Girl Scout friends getting those badges.

I don't remember my Girl Scout friends getting those badges.

Reddit / dogshitihsgod

4. I just don’t even want to know what inspired this.

I just don't even want to know what inspired this.

Reddit / TheTypicalGinger

5. I bet you can’t guess his favorite color.

I bet you can't guess his favorite color.


6. I don’t remember this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

I don't remember this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Reddit / lacqueredup

7. Match game on point.

Match game on point.

Reddit / Lady_Dash

8. Remember when bangs were all the rage? Yeah, she doesn’t either.

Remember when bangs were all the rage? Yeah, she doesn't either.

Reddit / jadejong

9. Riff Raff…is that you?

Riff Raff...is that you?

Reddit / grahvity

10. I wonder what secrets she’s hiding in her hair.

I wonder what secrets she's hiding in her hair.

Reddit / sillysally1986

11. I loved Pokemon too but come on…

I loved Pokemon too but come on...

Reddit / DisgruntledPlebian

12. They say you should dress for the job you want.

They say you should dress for the job you want.

Reddit / jiffypopper44

13. He was a into vampires long before “Twilight” became a thing.

He was a into vampires long before "Twilight" became a thing.

Reddit / HipsterChips

14. Ugh. Headgear’s the worst.

Ugh. Headgear's the worst.

Reddit / Treklow

15. This should be turned into a statue.

This should be turned into a statue.

Reddit / Desterado

16. We all knew that kid who spent a little too much time in Hot Topic.

We all knew that kid who spent a little too much time in Hot Topic.

Reddit / paneradfisk

17. Business in the front, peacock in the back.

Business in the front, peacock in the back.

Reddit / puffworm

18. In his yearbook photo, this stud wanted to let all the ladies know he was single and on the prowl.

In his yearbook photo, this stud wanted to let all the ladies know he was single and on the prowl.

Reddit /MaxwellSinclair

19. This caped crusader isn’t even old enough to be out after dark.

This caped crusader isn't even old enough to be out after dark.

Reddit / gingerbenji

20. Helmet head is never a good look. Go to the next page for even more embarrassment.

Helmet head is never a good look. Go to the next page for even more embarrassment.

Reddit / Kkmkay

21. Nothing says “thug life” quite like Spider-Man.

Nothing says "thug life" quite like Spider-Man.

Reddit / Ben-Dover_Hear

22. Xanadu? More like Xanadon’t.

Xanadu? More like Xanadon't.

Reddit / trevordunt39

23. Your head shots could NEVER.

Your head shots could NEVER.

Reddit / Spycegurl

24. This kid’s a straight-up baller. Just look a that pocket watch and Aeropostale jacket.

This kid's a straight-up baller. Just look a that pocket watch and Aeropostale jacket.

Reddit /papasumner

25. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Reddit / Twoshae

26. All your wildest dreams REALLY can come true.

All your wildest dreams REALLY can come true.

Reddit / Bisoux

27. Looks like someone was auditioning for the town production of “Mary Poppins.”

Looks like someone was auditioning for the town production of "Mary Poppins."

Reddit / meetwod

28. How do you make your yearbook photo even cooler? Add a Furby.

How do you make your yearbook photo even cooler? Add a Furby.

Reddit / thebloodofthematador

29. Kids grow up so fast.

Kids grow up so fast.

Reddit / ImHereToBlowSunshine

30. He was wayyy ahead of the 2016 killer clown trend.

He was wayyy ahead of the 2016 killer clown trend.

Reddit / Corpse_Pilot

31. Dude, you should have listened to your shirt.

Dude, you should have listened to your shirt.

Reddit /b-ogburn

32. Who can forget the joys of a bowl cut?

Who can forget the joys of a bowl cut?

Reddit / SalvadorTheDog

33. The eggplant emoji has nothing on this.

The eggplant emoji has nothing on this.

Reddit / sabertoothedliger

34. Well that’s one way to get all the ladies.

Well that's one way to get all the ladies.

Reddit / dB33zy

35. There was a four-for-one discount at their local Super Cuts.

There was a four-for-one discount at their local Super Cuts.

Reddit / Accusatory_Giblet

36. He has always been an innovator.

He has always been an innovator.

Reddit / RedBombX

37. P-I-M-P!


Reddit / audiopolitik

38. Lettuce pray he can somehow forget this ever happened.

Lettuce pray he can somehow forget this ever happened.

Reddit / Chocolate_Charizard

39. Liar, liar pants on fire!

Liar, liar pants on fire!

Reddit / downfall104

40. I think her formal date had to borrow a dress shirt from Dad again.

I think her formal date had to borrow a dress shirt from Dad again.


(via Bored Panda)

And you thought your childhood photos were bad! Share these unfortunate pictures with your children to remind them to respect their elders. Otherwise their own embarrassing shots could make their way to Facebook.

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