Here’s Exactly What You Don’t Want To Happen When You’re On Live TV

If there’s one thing more unpredictable than the weather, it’s being on live television.

And while anything can happen on the air, one meteorologist’s bodily functions decided to provide some comic relief for some viewers. Chief Meteorologist for NBC 15 Chris Dunn was sharing with viewers his predictions for the weekend weather when the man hunched over and aimed his rear off camera. At that exact moment a farting noise can be heard during an otherwise silent moment. Following the gassy interruption, Dunn tries his best to continue the forecast while cracking a mischievous smile.

While neither the news station nor Dunn have spoken out about the gaseous exchange, some people seem to believe the entire incident was an innocent prank put on by members of the staff.

(Via Daily Mail)

While everyone farts, it’s not every day you hear it on live television. Perhaps Dunn needs to rethink his pre-broadcast lunch choices.


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