These Brutally Honest Recipes From Countries All Over The World Are So Spot-On

Every country has its own special way of preparing unique meals that satisfy its citizens’ tastes.

Often times, traditional recipes reflect the funny, good-natured stereotypes found in areas around the world, revealing each culture’s collective neuroses about what makes food good. Tumblr users have recently amassed a funny collection of mock dish specifications for a number of countries, and the descriptions couldn’t be any more accurate.

Check out all the hilarious cooking instructions below and see if they match up with how your loved ones make their favorite national cuisines.

Check out all the hilarious cooking instructions below and see if they match up with how your loved ones make their favorite national cuisines.

Tumblr / altonzm

Tumblr / dixon-arrows

Tumblr / orriculum

Tumblr / svynakee

Tumblr / digitalfare

Tumblr / onceuponamirror

Tumblr / jamesandlilys

Tumblr / narwhal-noir

Tumblr / thirdtimecharmed

Tumblr / rhionhutter

Tumblr / pajarosdelamancha

Tumblr / carbonpressure

Tumblr / moldychesee

Tumblr / coto524

Tumblr / valor-arcana

Tumblr / obviously11

Tumblr / prokopetz

Tumblr / memesandshipsgalore

Tumblr / jumpingjacktrash

(via Bored Panda)

Well, America definitely nailed it. If you aren’t from the U.S., what you do you think about your country’s “recipe”? Be sure to let us know below.

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