Woman Takes Dog To Furrycon Only To Realize What Furrycon Actually Is

If you don’t know what a “furry” is, well bless your little naive heart. Here I am to completely ruin the last of your innocence.

In the broadest of terms, a furry is anyone who enjoys wearing animal costumes. These people enjoy giving human characteristics to animals. As a huge fan of “Stuart Little,” I can kind of get this. Then, there are those who are sexually excited by wearing or seeing others wear animal costumes. What exactly they are getting off on is a bit harder to wrap my head around.

As strange as it might be, there are plenty of people who enjoy dressing up as furries, watching furry pornography, and attending Furrycons, where they can meet other furry enthusiasts.

As strange as it might be, there are plenty of people who enjoy dressing up as furries, watching furry pornography, and attending Furrycons, where they can meet other furry enthusiasts.

Reddit / Lambsexual

It might sound a bit odd, but who am I to judge? Their body, their choice, am I right?


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Enter a sweet mom who knows absolutely nothing about furry culture. She simply heard that Furrycon was taking place and thought, “Hey! That sounds like a great place to go with my therapy dog.”

And even though the situation was hilariously misguided, no one had more fun than Link the dog.

And even though the situation was hilariously misguided, no one had more fun than Link the dog.

Twitter / kenny wassus

Links like, “There are big, human-sized dogs and they pet me and WEEEE I’ve never been happier in my whole life!”

Links like, "There are big, human-sized dogs and they pet me and WEEEE I've never been happier in my whole life!"

Twitter / kenny wassus

This dog is definitely going down in Furrycon history. And the anonymous mom? She’s the stuff of legends!

This dog is definitely going down in Furrycon history. And the anonymous mom? She's the stuff of legends!

Twitter / kenny wassus

Want to learn more about furries? Of course you do! Check out the trailer for “Fursonas,” a documentary about the furry lifestyle.

Be sure to share this hilarious story with your friends and family! And if you or someone you know is a furry, let us know in the comments below.


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