This App Matches Your Face To Famous Artwork, Sometimes With Hilarious Results

Over the past few days, you might have noticed your friends and family have shown an interest in some classic works of art. You have Google to thank for that.

The surge in art enthusiasts stems from the addition of a facial recognition technology to the Internet mogul’s Arts & Culture app. Through the app, you can match your own selfies with a famous work of art. The selected works are pulled from a database of over 1,000 museums, so in most cases, your artistic counterparts should be pretty accurate…until they’re not.

Not everyone is satisfied with their painting pairing and to be honest it’s easy to see why. Here’s a collection of some of the wackiest matches people couldn’t wait to share with the Internet.

Not everyone is satisfied with their painting pairing and to be honest it's easy to see why. Here's a collection of some of the wackiest matches people couldn't wait to share with the Internet.

Twitter / Joshua Fu

Instagram /ryanw79

Twitter / Caroline Wazer

Instagram / Kristen Bell

Instagram / Netflix

Twitter / Liam Boylan-Pett

Twitter / Stephanie

Instagram / Prinda

Twitter / Steven Piasecki

Instagram / Kendra Nessen

Instagram / Kate Hudson

Twitter / Adam The Greatest C.P.A. Morris‏

Instagram /ialdb

Instagram / Mikhail Shubladze

Twitter / li s. reina

Instagram / Amy Ululani

Instagram / Beth Kelly

Twitter / Lena Cuisine

Instagram / Carla Gannis

(via Bored Panda)

Uh…Google, are you okay?

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