During The Storm, They Built An Igloo. When You See The Inside, Your Jaw Will DROP.

Shoveling snow is a huge pain, but once you’re done, that means one thing: it’s time to build an igloo! It takes a lot of time and you need to have a ton of snow, but it’s fun for the whole family when you make one that is a successful structure.

This guy took his snowy escape a step further, though…he made his into a luxury establishment. I mean, he really decked it out with awesome amenities that you wish you had thought of for your igloo!

It might not look like much from the outside…

It might not look like much from the outside...


But the first amenity? A sliding door!

But the first amenity? A sliding door!


Once inside, there are romantic candles and hardwood floors.

Once inside, there are romantic candles and hardwood floors.


What an appropriate touch — a hand-carved squirrel statue.

What an appropriate touch -- a hand-carved squirrel statue.


There’s plenty of reading material for those quiet evenings in.

There's plenty of reading material for those quiet evenings in.


And what luxury accommodations would be complete without a mini bar? This is the party igloo!

And what luxury accommodations would be complete without a mini bar? This is the party igloo!


Get in a workout in the weight room.

Get in a workout in the weight room.


And take a load off in the bedroom.

And take a load off in the bedroom.


It’s really quite spacious.

It's really quite spacious.


Here is what it looks like with a person inside — this is the real deal!

Here is what it looks like with a person inside -- this is the real deal!


(source Reddit)

Let’s hope that there is another big snowfall so you can build your very own luxury igloo. It looks cozy in terms of space, but not when it comes to warmth…but you had to know that, right?

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