This Is The Pinterest-Approved ‘Health’ Oil That’s Actually Worse For You Than Butter

If you do a simple Google search you’re guaranteed to find an endless supply of recipes and hacks all requiring coconut oil.

Over the past few years, coconut oil has acquired about as many uses as duct tape. Thousands of people swear by the so-called health benefits of it, claiming that it’s the healthiest of all the cooking oils.

But because nothing in life is ever sacred, a new advisory from the American Heart Association (AHA) confirms coconut oil isn’t just a less-than-beneficial food. It’s worse for you than butter.

A key advisory notice published in Circulation revealed that coconut oil is packed full of saturated fats.

A key advisory notice published in Circulation revealed that coconut oil is packed full of saturated fats.

Flickr / Cara Faus

It’s estimated that most coconut oil is about 82 percent saturated fat, meaning it contains far more saturated fats thanbutter (63 percent), olive oil (14 percent), and peanut oil (17 percent).

It’s estimated that most coconut oil is about 82 percent saturated fat, meaning it contains far more saturated fats thanbutter (63 percent), olive oil (14 percent), and peanut oil (17 percent).

Flickr / Cara Faus

Saturated fats can increase your bad cholesterol levels in your bloodstream, putting you at risk for future heart problems.

Saturated fats can increase your bad cholesterol levels in your bloodstream, putting you at risk for future heart problems.

Flickr / Pseph

The AHA recommends swapping out coconut oil with a less harmful oil like olive oil, which can help lower your cholesterol levels. Sometimes you just shouldn’t reinvent the wheel.

The AHA recommends swapping out coconut oil with a less harmful oil like olive oil, which can help lower your cholesterol levels. Sometimes you just shouldn't reinvent the wheel.

Flickr / Hillel Eflal

(via IFL Science)

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