As Far As Home Intruders Go, These 30 Are Hands Down The Cutest

While dogs often double as doorbells and security guards, the only job cats have is to lounge about without a care in the world.

Fittingly, the four-legged divas in our lives feel like they can do whatever they damn well please…and they’re mostly right. And it’s really no secret that when it comes to cats, they choose their humans. Not the other way around. These clingy kitties, for example, are making themselves at home…whether they actually live there or not.

1. “Uh…human? Did we get a cat?”

"Uh...human? Did we get a cat?"

Reddit / ErinRSteward

2. “Well while I’m here, I think I’ll do some light reading.”

3. She’s on the outside looking in, but not for long.

She's on the outside looking in, but not for long.

Reddit / Minty_Fresh1

4. This guy doesn’t own a gator or a cat, so this is awkward.

This guy doesn't own a gator or a cat, so this is awkward.

Reddit / Codyjarrell

5. They went to get their kid and found an intruder. As far as intruders go, at least this one’s adorable.

They went to get their kid and found an intruder. As far as intruders go, at least this one's adorable.

Reddit / damnyousteamsale

6. You won’t find any cat treats in there.

You won't find any cat treats in there.

Reddit / Chopperguy

7. There was no more room inside, so they took over the back porch.

There was no more room inside, so they took over the back porch.

Reddit / Queen_Riotness

8. Look what the cat dragged in!

Look what the cat dragged in!

Reddit / BustyCharms

9. It’s a good thing superstitions are garbage. Otherwise, this study crasher would’ve given one student some seriously bad luck!

It's a good thing superstitions are garbage. Otherwise, this study crasher would've given one student some seriously bad luck!

Reddit / snarfosaurus

10. I’d imagine this would be pretty alarming to find if you didn’t have a cat.

I'd imagine this would be pretty alarming to find if you didn't have a cat.

Reddit / yelnats87

11. “You weren’t supposed to be home for 15 more minutes.”

"You weren't supposed to be home for 15 more minutes."


12. That feeling when you go looking for shorts and find a strange cat instead. Normal.

That feeling when you go looking for shorts and find a strange cat instead. Normal.

Reddit / obi_wan_malarkey

13. “Honey, are we having cat for dinner?”

"Honey, are we having cat for dinner?"

Reddit / sweetsweetm

14. This guy was in for a surprise when the trash started meowing.

This guy was in for a surprise when the trash started meowing.

Reddit / Peverell

15. This is the face of a man awoken at 3 a.m. because of a cat burglar.

This is the face of a man awoken at 3 a.m. because of a cat burglar.

Reddit / About9Bushmen

16. “Okay human! This house is OURS now!”

"Okay human! This house is OURS now!"

Reddit / SomeGuyNamedCraig

17. “You’re a cat owner now. Let that sink in.”

"You're a cat owner now. Let that sink in."

Reddit /lmdrobvious

18. “Hooman, my soaps are on.”

"Hooman, my soaps are on."

Imgur /JobaTron5000N1

19. “What’s for dinner tonight? Also I’m moving in.”

"What's for dinner tonight? Also I'm moving in."

Reddit / AnaliseMarie

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20. I mean, once that precious little face invades, there’s no going back. She’s yours now.

I mean, once that precious little face invades, there's no going back. She's yours now.

Reddit / imnastee

21. This orange intruder really didn’t hesitate to make itself at home.

This orange intruder really didn't hesitate to make itself at home.

Reddit /LoganMichael3

22. He didn’t expect to leave the house and come home a cat parent, but here we are.

He didn't expect to leave the house and come home a cat parent, but here we are.

Reddit / Mardrayn

23. These kitties were just enrolled in homeschool…in someone else’s home.

These kitties were just enrolled in someone else's home.

Reddit / meehan117

24. “Hello, is anyone home? Great! I’ll get my things.”

"Hello, is anyone home? Great! I'll get my things."

Imgur / captinawesome5

25. “If I pretend I’m asleep, maybe they won’t tell me to leave.”

"If I pretend I'm asleep, maybe they won't tell me to leave."

Reddit / DontSweatTheTech9

26. When you feed one stray cat, more are sure to follow.

When you feed one stray cat, more are sure to follow.

Reddit / Big_Wanker

27. How long was this cat hiding in there?

How long was this cat hiding in there?


28. “I run this house now!”

"I run this house now!"

Reddit / noahsmurderboard

29. “So listen. I just burdened you with the extra cost of food and care, but look at me. I am also a gift.”

"So listen. I just burdened you with the extra cost of food and care, but look at me. I am also a gift."

Imgur / DetectiveSherlockHolmes

30. I mean, how many times do you come home to a strange hairless cat wearing a coat? Life is wild.

I mean, how many times do you come home to a strange hairless cat wearing a coat? Life is wild.

Imgur / jscrivner

Does your cat like to wander? Be sure to share these hilarious invaders with your kitty-loving friends!

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