20 Times People Couldn’t Explain The Weirdness They Found In Their Parents’ Homes

They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, but if your parents are anything like mine, that collection of treasure soon becomes a hoarder’s den of random trinkets and some totally inexplicable finds.

Growing up we’ve all acquired a desire for collecting random objects that we find interesting or worthy of keeping. Out of context, though, the trinkets we value may seem weird as hell to others.

With the holidays in full swing, many of us will be venturing to our parents’ homes to partake in Christmas dinner. And when the embarrassing baby pictures aren’t enough, there’s that one weird-ass thing Mom picked up in Aruba two summers back. Here are 20 of the strangest things adults have discovered while visiting their moms and dads.

1. The toilet really makes this entire room that much more depressing.

The toilet really makes this entire room that much more depressing.

Twitter / natalou

2. This Christmas ornament is a little too excited about the holidays.

This Christmas ornament is a little too excited about the holidays.

Twitter / jtkarhu

3. Some people simply don’t believe in privacy.

Some people simply don't believe in privacy.

Twitter / infinitebrads

4. At least now we know Michael Jackson went to Heaven.

At least now we know Michael Jackson went to Heaven.

Twitter / OhHeyGuysItsMax

5. Nightmares are made of these!

Nightmares are made of these!

Twitter / OhHeyGuysItsMax

6. What even is THAT?

What even is THAT?

Twitter / treylyon

7. They couldn’t even be bothered to take her shoes off before turning grandma into a stool.

They couldn't even be bothered to take her shoes off before turning grandma into a stool.

Twitter / bar_runge

8. This portrait is going to haunt my dreams.

This portrait is going to haunt my dreams.

Twitter / cindy_snyd

9. Now you can reenact the entire OJ Simpson trial with these lifelike dolls.

Now you can reenact the entire OJ Simpson trial with these lifelike dolls.

Twitter / mattdiller83

10. Who wakes up and says, “You know what? We need some Barbie wreaths”?

Who wakes up and says, "You know what? We need some Barbie wreaths"?

Twitter / silverskies81

11. Some people are way too honest about their sexcapades…or lack thereof.

Some people are way too honest about their sexcapades...or lack thereof.

Twitter / seth1389

12. I’ve seen it all now!

I've seen it all now!

Twitter / nick_klaus

13. Someone get this baby to a doctor. He’s burning up.

Someone get this baby to a doctor. He's burning up.

Twitter / ktatroe

14. Nothing says Christmas quite like a tree made entirely out of creepy dolls.

Nothing says Christmas quite like a tree made entirely out of creepy dolls.

Twitter / SecularNuncio

15. This artwork is a little TOO anitomically correct.

This artwork is a little TOO anitomically correct.

Twitter / KyraSchu

16. Supposedly this is for whenever you need to tie a roast…or bind the feet of that guy you have locked in the basement.

Supposedly this is for whenever you need to tie a roast...or bind the feet of that guy you have locked in the basement.

Twitter / ChristinaJuneYA

17. If amphibians ruled the world:

If amphibians ruled the world:

Twitter / TheHappyAspie

18. Do I look okay? I couldn’t tell.

Do I look okay? I couldn't tell.

Twitter / ezra_marc

19. “Can someone keep an eye on my teeth?”

"Can someone keep an eye on my teeth?"

Twitter / PattiArnold12

20. Hasn’t America already suffered enough?

Hasn't America already suffered enough?

Twitter / OhHeyGuysItsMax

(via Bored Panda)

I’ve seen it all now. Suddenly my mom’s old apple-shaped cookware and Boyds Bear collections don’t seem so weird to me.

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