What This Guy Did At An Important Dinner Made His Wife Question His Sanity… WTF?

Having dinner with your spouse’s boss can be a big deal.

It’s important to remain courteous and make a good impression in situations like these, and a good, supportive partner makes that a priority. After all, this is someone they need to interact with daily in order to further their career.

Still, things can go wrong in any social situation, even with the most supportive of spouses. One Reddit user recently posted a truly insane story of his dinner with his wife’s new boss, and it’s got everyone who reads it absolutely roaring with laughter.

Here’s the whole fateful story involving a rare steak, a closed window, and a lot of embarrassment.

Here's the whole fateful story involving a rare steak, a closed window, and a lot of embarrassment.

Fortunately, his wife did have a sense of humor about the whole thing…

Fortunately, his wife did have a sense of humor about the whole thing...

(via BoredPanda)

OMG! I feel bad for everyone involved. What would you do in this situation? Give us some of your solutions in the comments!

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