20 Hilarious Times Humans And Animals Failed At Slides

Slides are known for their universal appeal. Everyone can enjoy a good slide every now and again, and it usually results in good times. But apparently, using them might be trickier than we once thought.

These people couldn’t seem to get the hang of one of the most basic playground instruments known to man.

1. Face first!

Face first!

Giphy / MTV

2. This looked like it was about to be cool.

This looked like it was about to be cool.

Giphy / Gif Bay

3. Why’d he just stop?

Why'd he just stop?


4. Goodbye, tailbone!

Goodbye, tailbone!

Giphy / MTV

5. But for real, this might be the cutest thing of all time.

But for real, this might be the cutest thing of all time.

Giphy / Blue Light

6. This looks like a good way to exercise.

This looks like a good way to exercise.

Giphy / AFV

7. Poor little goat. He tried.

Poor little goat. He tried.

Giphy / AFV

8. Cleared it!

Cleared it!

Giphy / DarcyHart

9. Faulty construction.

Faulty construction.

Giphy / AFV

10. Took his shirt!

Took his shirt!

Giphy / AFV

11. That’s a pretty good headstand!

That's a pretty good headstand!


12. Snow slide…almost.

Snow slide...almost.

Giphy / AFV

13. I don’t think it’s good to hit your head that much.

I don't think it's good to hit your head that much.

Giphy / Reaction Gifs

14. This is always a bad idea.

This is always a bad idea.

Giphy / AFV



Buzz Lamp / Gif Bin

16. Just keep going!

Just keep going!

Gif Bin

17. I see a lawsuit.

I see a lawsuit.


18. This is incredibly terrible.

This is incredibly terrible.

Gif Bin

19. This seemed like a pretty rad idea, until it wasn’t.

This seemed like a pretty rad idea, until it wasn't.

Gif Bin

20. That thing shattered!

That thing shattered!

The FW

I hope these people and animals are okay. They took some pretty nasty spills. It seems like even life’s simplest pleasures can be horrendously dangerous. Stay safe out there, folks.

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