If You Love Your Weekly Target Runs, You’re Going To Identify With This Doggo So Hard

Making a Target run is basically the highlight of my week.

The atmosphere’s great, I know where all my favorite foods are, and I usually leave with a few delightful things I didn’t actually need but definitely wanted. Even though my bank account takes a beating, I come home pretty satisfied.

One furry critter took a quick run through Target with her mom and had a similarly delightful experience, and seeing her excited face will basically make you squeal.

This is Zira. She’s a Corgi/Australian Shepherd mix, and she is having the best time ever running around Target in her cart. According to her owner, the employees and patrons alike could not get enough of her.

This is Zira. She's a Corgi/Australian Shepherd mix, and she is having the best time ever running around Target in her cart. According to her owner, the employees and patrons alike could not get enough of her.

Twitter / @virgoprincxss

This picture basically cured my acne, cleaned my house, and filed my taxes for me. That’s how pure and good it is. OMG, I cannot get enough.

This picture basically cured my acne, cleaned my house, and filed my taxes for me. That's how pure and good it is. OMG, I cannot get enough.

Twitter / @virgoprincxss

If, like me, you find Zira to be a calming and positive force in your life, good news! She has an Instagram.


Here’s one more picture, just because.


(via BoredPanda)

Whew! I feel like I need to catch my breath and go hug my own adorable doggo, stat!

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