That’s Not Where A Slide Should Go…20 Designers Who Really Need New Jobs

You know how they say that sometimes you can’t see the big picture clearly because you’re too close to it?

Focusing on the tiny details of the project you’re working on can sometimes blind you to what it looks like as a whole, which is really the only explanation I can come up with for what happened to these people. When tasked with making an appropriate design or placement of their products, they completely missed the mark.

If for whatever reason you feel like you aren’t that smart, just remember these 20 designers and you’ll feel like a damn genius.

1. What could be more fun than sliding out of an elephant’s butt?

What could be more fun than sliding out of an elephant's butt?

Reddit / unknown456

2. That’ll only take 123890712879874 hours to type in.

That'll only take 123890712879874 hours to type in.

Reddit / pizzalaat

3. Why, just why?!

Why, just why?!

Reddit / GoatAndYourMum

4. Kid meat is my favorite!

Kid meat is my favorite!

Reddit / Siggy778

5. Good luck when your toilet gets clogged and overflows.

Good luck when your toilet gets clogged and overflows.

Reddit / cbigsby

6. What kind of jerk blocks access for people in wheelchairs?

What kind of jerk blocks access for people in wheelchairs?

Reddit / OfficialDampSquid

7. No brain cells were using during the placement of this fountain.

No brain cells were using during the placement of this fountain.

Reddit / mojavecourier

8. I Miami, too.

I Miami, too.

Reddit / comicfitz

9. Something tells me this was intentional.

Something tells me this was intentional.

Reddit / noahmilam

10. Watching the game is overrated, anyway.

Watching the game is overrated, anyway.

Reddit /rowan954

11. You can’t unsee this. Maybe try different font for “sew” next time.

You can't unsee this. Maybe try different font for "sew" next time.

Reddit / flieckster

12. Well, that doesn’t sound (or smell) appetizing.

Well, that doesn't sound (or smell) appetizing.

Reddit / cj8tacos123

Read More: These 30 People Had One Job And Failed So Miserably…I’m Dying!

13. The cross is so gross.

The cross is so gross.

Reddit / beasterne

14. Thea Rtsyli Festyle, otherwise known as The Artsy Lifestyle.

Thea Rtsyli Festyle, otherwise known as The Artsy Lifestyle.

Reddit / Googlehai

15. I do not understand.

I do not understand.

Reddit / GhostBetta

16. That’s supposed to be 1515.Yikes.

That's supposed to be 1515.Yikes.

Reddit / jordan460

17. Now you can get poop popsicles in a variety of new flavors!

Now you can get poop popsicles in a variety of new flavors!

Reddit / kingtrash7

18. Way to miss the entire purpose of a closet.

Way to miss the entire purpose of a closet.

Reddit / xEYoungx

19. You have to wonder if the driver is even aware of it.

You have to wonder if the driver is even aware of it.

Reddit /Bossplot

20. This is such a mess I don’t even know where to start.

This is such a mess I don't even know where to start.

Reddit / kanye_euwest_

It’s pretty unfortunate that people spent money on all this stuff, but at least it’s entertaining for the rest of us, right?Be sure to share these crappy designs if you can’t believe nobody noticed them during production.


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