Drawing In Textbooks Is Frowned Upon But When Doodles Are This Good, It’s Forgivable

We’ve all been there. We’re sitting in class waiting for the seemingly never-ending lecture to come to a close so the weekend can officially begin.

But rather than pay attention to what’s being said, one surefire way to pass the time is to take up doodling in your notebooks…or even your textbooks. Despite our teachers always warning us to never write, doodle, or so much as underline anything in our textbooks, I always felt a rebellious impulse to do so.

And while my doodles were never nothing more than stick figures and the occasional geometric pattern, these students transformed their textbooks into astonishing masterpieces. Here are 24 acts of textbook vandalism that are just too brilliant to hate.

1. Storage disks have become a thing of the past, just like dinosaurs.

Storage disks have become a thing of the past, just like dinosaurs.


2. I don’t recall learning about that part of the food chain.

I don't recall learning about that part of the food chain.


3. If only this dude put as much effort into his math homework as he did with his doodling.

If only this dude put as much effort into his math homework as he did with his doodling.

Reddit / TryNewUsername

4. You too can be a star if you start paying attention and stop failing this course.

You too can be a star if you start paying attention and stop failing this course.

Imgur / threequarks

5. Something seems a bit disjointed about this teen’s artwork.

Something seems a bit disjointed about this teen's artwork.

Reddit / benlew

6. Who could forget the joys of learning a second language?

Who could forget the joys of learning a second language?

Imgur / funkystuhero

7. I don’t think these gymnasts will be vying for gold anytime soon.

I don't think these gymnasts will be vying for gold anytime soon.

Twitter / corenocirofa

8. This kid sure got an eyeful in science class.

This kid sure got an eyeful in science class.

Twitter / peten0739

9. I think you lost something there sir.

I think you lost something there sir.

Twitter / Chanta_in_inari

10. Hm…this doesn’t seem kid-friendly.

Hm...this doesn't seem kid-friendly.

Twitter / yoshitakaseiko

11. This little guy decided to ride his motorcycle to school today. Head to the next page to see something that’s 2017 as hell.

This little guy decided to ride his motorcycle to school today. Head to the next page to see something that's 2017 as hell.

Twitter / BrocubaMY

12. But first…let me take a selfie.

But first...let me take a selfie.

Twitter / BrocubaMY

13. These two sure do make quite the couple.

These two sure do make quite the couple.


14. Someone was obviously a little hungry in Geometry.

Someone was obviously a little hungry in Geometry.


15. I think this lady’s had one too many to drink.

I think this lady's had one too many to drink.


16. There’s way too much going on in this photo to try and explain here.

There's way too much going on in this photo to try and explain here.

Imgur / 16bitpsych2

17. So we finally know the answer to this age-old question.

So we finally know the answer to this age-old question.

Imgur / goombaforyourwomba

18. This explains SO much.

This explains SO much.


19. I have their first album on vinyl.

I have their first album on vinyl.

Reddit / dickwolfe

20. Now THAT is a hairdo.

Now THAT is a hairdo.


21. I had no idea you were going to superhero school.

I had no idea you were going to superhero school.


22. That got dark quickly.

That got dark quickly.


23. I’ve always thought this was the most important element.

I've always thought this was the most important element.

Reddit /hightechkid9

24. We’ve got a tattletale on our hands.

We've got a tattletale on our hands.

Reddit / reggit99

(via Bored Panda)

These illustrators are really something. Maybe I should have spent less time trying to maintain my honor roll status and more time working on my art skills.


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