16 Epic Text Messaging Burns That Will Make You Cringe For Hours

Pranking someone is funny, but it often yields little to share with the world. It’s your word against the prankee’s, and they’re not usually eager to corroborate your story.

However, if you have visual proof like these 16 text message burns, you’ll likely be worshiped forever. At the very least, you’ll be treated like the class clown.

1. Ba…ba…BURN.


2. Plus maybe 1000 miles.

Plus maybe 1000 miles.

3. In da club.

In da club.

4. Well that took a turn.

Well that took a turn.

5. Just not what he expected.

Just not what he expected.

6. Sounds like she’s a keeper.

Sounds like she's a keeper.

7. Where can I buy this app?

Where can I buy this app?

8. Privacy is a thing of the past.

Privacy is a thing of the past.

9. How do you like that grammar?

How do you like that grammar?

10. Sad face…

Sad face...

11. Ouuuuch.


12. Yes. And you know why.

Yes. And you know why.

13. It runs in the family.

It runs in the family.

14. Nap time.

Nap time.

15. Cough cough.

Cough cough.

16. There it is…

There it is...

(via Guff)

I laughed 16 times reading those, and for good reason. These people really know how to burn those closest to them. Now it’s my turn to try…

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