She Went Up To A Piano In A Thrift Store And Did Something That Made Everyone Pause

Thrift stores are magical places where one person’s trash can become another’s treasure.

It’s the best feeling in the world to find something that you know is going to look amazing and only have to pay pennies compared to the similar item you’ve been stalking online for weeks. Then there are the big-ticket items. As someone who has literally never been able to afford a brand new couch in my life, the thrift store is my go-to for all things furniture.

What do you picture when you go to the local Goodwill? Maybe racks and racks of clothes with hidden treasures.

What do you picture when you go to the local Goodwill? Maybe racks and racks of clothes with hidden treasures.

Flickr / Brad.K

Or maybe getting your thrift on reminds you of this (NSFW) Macklemore jam from a few years ago.

Youtube / Ryan Lewis

When one woman stepped into a thrift shop in Flint, Michigan, she heard an angelic voice coming from the back. It turned out to be a girl playing a donated piano, and she was absolutely amazing.

The singer, Genavieve, was just occupying herself while her mother finished shopping, but she hopes to turn her talent into a career. She’s going to be auditioning on “The Voice” soon!

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If you want to hear more from this beautiful singer, you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Who knew there was something out there that could make thrifting even better? Share this awesome story with the spendthrifts you know!

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