Tree Cameras Show The Madness Our Animal Friends Get Up To When No One’s Looking

Trail cameras are an important tool for both hunters and researchers alike.

If they’re hidden well, they can blend in with the surroundings and show us exactly what our animal friends are up to when we’re not around.

Most of the time it’s pretty boring, but there are tree cameras out there that have caught some pretty hilarious things going on with our furry friends in the dark. Here are 15 of the best.

1. This photo was taken in South Africa, showing a water buffalo and a wild cat getting along way better than they should.

This photo was taken in South Africa, showing a water buffalo and a wild cat getting along way better than they should.

EarthTouch News Network

2. “You’re interrupting our meeting!” What do you think the deer are plotting?

"You're interrupting our meeting!" What do you think the deer are plotting?


3. I run screaming when I see a cockroach, so I can’t really fault this dear for freaking out when a flying squirrel attacks from the sky.

I run screaming when I see a cockroach, so I can't really fault this dear for freaking out when a flying squirrel attacks from the sky.

Imgur / wabewalker

4. Deer getting attacked by smaller things apparently happens a LOT. This owl must have been protecting a nest.

Deer getting attacked by smaller things apparently happens a LOT. This owl must have been protecting a nest.

Reddit / ChallengeAccepted99

5. Teamwork is the key to any success.

Teamwork is the key to any success.

Reddit / steffinator117

6. Someone decided to take a selfie when discovering the camera. So much for “hidden”!

Someone decided to take a selfie when discovering the camera. So much for "hidden"!


7. One of these coyotes told a pretty hilarious joke.

One of these coyotes told a pretty hilarious joke.

Reddit / too_funny

8. Mama bear is teaching baby how to get everything she wants in life.

Mama bear is teaching baby how to get everything she wants in life.

Field & Stream

9. Get a room!

Get a room!

Flickr / Florida Fish & Wildlife

10. “Ah, yes, I am a fancy deer, look at me walk like the humans.”

"Ah, yes, I am a fancy deer, look at me walk like the humans."

Reddit / jdaher

11. This buck decided to try out a new fashion statement.

This buck decided to try out a new fashion statement.

Imgur / multijanus

12. More kissing. I guess animals spend their nights like humans do.

More kissing. I guess animals spend their nights like humans do.

California Outdoors

13. “Hey, buddy, I need to catch a ride.”

"Hey, buddy, I need to catch a ride."

Reddit / jajison

14. They look totally drunk. Just wasted with the fullest stomachs.

They look totally drunk. Just wasted with the fullest stomachs.


15. LOL, um… no comment.

LOL, um... no comment.

Reddit / jalogan1

(via BoredPanda)

HAHA! I can’t get over some of these. Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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