Welcoming little ones into the world is preceded by months of planning, and picking out the perfect name might just be the most important decision of all.
You have all the power because the name your choose for your bundle of joy will follow them into classrooms and job interviews forever. For that reason, you should probably take that job pretty seriously.
Things get tricky when guardians start getting creative. Just ask the parents of these 14 kids. Teachers were asked to post the weirdest names they’ve ever encountered on their student rosters, and let’s just say that these kiddos probably have it rough.
1. Peachtreanna
She’s from Georgia, if you didn’t already guess that.
2. Pennis
Pronounced like Dennis, but with a P. Nice.
3. Neo
I guess his parents really loved “The Matrix.”
4. Civic Celebration
They must be into doing community service.
5. Poultry
The world is a cruel, cruel place.
6. Princess
And her siblings Prince, Crowned Prince, Prince Mowgli, Princess Modica-Nordica. This family must be stopped.
7. Indiana Jones
Who doesn’t love Indy?
8. Mrs. Poo
9. Ice Cold
Let’s hope he’s a fighter.
10. Peonme
11. Mister
He’s probably a little young for such a formal title.
12. Wanna Smoke
This is just mean.
13. Starshyt
Some people should think twice about having kids. Parents who think this name is a good idea are among them.
14. Porn
Flickr / Tracy the Astonishing
Not nice.
(via Reddit)
If you ever feel bummed about having a boring name, just remember that there’s achild who has to answer to Mrs. Poo running around out there.