We’ve Seen Some Crazy Plastic Surgery Cases Before, But Theirs Is Out Of This World

People get cosmetic surgery for all kinds of reasons, but some procedures are much more unusual than others.

Some undergo plastic surgery to accentuate their masculine or feminine features in extremely exaggerated ways, but this makeup artist and model wants neither. Twenty-two-year-old Vinny Ohh from Los Angeles, California, would much rather become a “genderless extraterrestrial,” and has had over 100 cosmetic procedures to fulfill that dream.

Ohh campaigned for LBGT rights as a teenager, but came to the realization that none of those labels fit. Ohh prefers to use they/them pronouns. “I’ve wanted to be sexless and genderless since I was 17. I’ve been going to [the] doctors to see if it’s possible but had no luck,” they said.


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Since first getting lip fillers at 17 years old, Ohh has spent $50,000 on 110 surgeries, including two nose jobs, cheek fillers, and brow bone fillers. Ohh also wears black contact lenses to look more “alien-like.”


Ohh also wants to have their genitals, nipples, and bellybutton removed as well.


“I want to be a sexless alien being; I want my outside to reflect how I feel on the inside. I want to be a hybrid, not male or female,” they said.”I do kind of look like a Martian. I have a really big head, no eyebrows, and I’ve just been connecting with that.”


“Some people absolutely love me and see me as a celebration and give a lot of compliments. I don’t look real and people love it,” Ohh said.


“Other times I’ve had shopping carts chucked at me or I’ve been considered a sexual object by men and women. I’m used to not fitting in.”


(via The Lad Bible)

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While many may find Ohh bizarre, I personally see nothing wrong with people doing what makes them happy, especially when living their truth hurts no one! Share this story of diversity with everyone you know.

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