This Mom Has Some Hilarious Things To Say About Adult Trick-Or-Treaters

In just a few hours time your neighborhoods will be filled with parading ghouls and goblins trekking door-to-door in pursuit of a future dentist appointment.

Halloween is typically a children’s holiday, but it seems like each year more and more adults are hoping to get in on the candy-centric event. But while some households are all too willing to pass out treats to each and every person who rings their doorbell, one mom is voicing her grievances about adult trick-or-treaters.

Don’t let the silly snapchat filter fool you, this mom doesn’t take too kindly to grown men showing up on her doorstep with a pillowcase and not a kid in sight.

I have to agree with this mom. Once you’ve reached a certain age, it’s probably for the best that you just make your way to the store and purchase your own bag of Halloween candy to enjoy.


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