It’s Not Just For Sunburn — Here Are 12 Clever Ways You Can Use Aloe Vera

The first thing most of us reach for when we have a sunburn is aloe vera lotion.

It’s proven to soothe, relieve, and promote healing from damaging UV rays. But did you know that the powerful plant has a ton of additional uses, too? Even though we don’t often hear about the other things you can do with it, aloe vera is one of the most versatile substances that people turn to if they want to stay glowing and healthy. Here are 13 ways you can incorporate it into your life.

1. Adding aloe vera to your shampoo can increase the moisturizing effects.

Adding aloe vera to your shampoo can increase the moisturizing effects.

Flickr / Jun Seita

2. It can also serve as a great leave-in conditioner that improves hair elasticity.

It can also serve as a great leave-in conditioner that improves hair elasticity.

Flickr / Candace Nast

3. Apply aloe directly to the scalp, and you could see a decrease in shedding.

Apply aloe directly to the scalp, and you could see a decrease in shedding.

Flickr / Andrew Gustar

4. The same properties thatprevent shedding can grow or lengthen eyelashes and eyebrows, too.

The same properties thatprevent shedding can grow or lengthen eyelashes and eyebrows, too.

Flickr / Quinn Dombrowski

5. No surprise here: As a brow gel, aloe is super effective. It helps to keep every little hair in place.

No surprise here: As a brow gel, aloe is super effective. It helps to keep every little hair in place.

Flickr / pumpkincat210

6. As a hair gel, aloe will hold styles into place effortlessly.

As a hair gel, aloe will hold styles into place effortlessly.

Flickr / Steve Johnson

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7. As a face moisturizer, aloe vera heals damage and improves elasticity.

As a face moisturizer, aloe vera heals damage and improves elasticity.

Flickr / tommerton2010

8. Try drinking it! Some people love the taste, and it packs a serious antioxidant punch.

Try drinking it! Some people love the taste, and it packs a serious antioxidant punch.

Flickr / Health Gauge

9. Just like you do with sunburn, apply to any rash or burn to experience some relief.

Just like you do with sunburn, apply to any rash or burn to experience some relief.

Flickr / Jennifer Boyer

10. Alleviate cold sore discomfort by putting on some aloe vera, which can help speed up the healing process, as well.

Alleviate cold sore discomfort by putting on some aloe vera, which can help speed up the healing process, as well.

Flickr / Vanessa Roanhorse

11. Relieve constipation by ingesting aloe, which has a proven laxative effect.

Relieve constipation by ingesting aloe, which has a proven laxative effect.

Flickr / titanium22

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12. Even if you’re not dealing with constipation, it can help internally by giving you important vitamins and antioxidants.

Even if you're not dealing with constipation, it can help internally by giving you important vitamins and antioxidants.

Flickr / ER and Jenny

(via FroBunni and Dr. Axe)

I’m definitely going to have to start using aloe more in my life. Make sure to share this awesome info with your loved ones!

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