From France To Denmark, The World Has Some Strange Ideas About What Americans Eat

What comes to mind when you think of “American food?” These photos show what countries around the world think Americans eat, and it’s not a pretty sight.

For me, American food would be my grandma’s home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner or a ballpark frank at a baseball game. As I learned from these photos of American food sections in grocery stores around the world, however, people worldwide seem to think that Americans’ diets are 99 percent sugar. All in all, it makes me wonder — how do our own foreign food sections stack up to reality?

1. In England, the American food section is mostly just candy.

In England, the American food section is mostly just candy.

Reddit / skiptonskipper

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2. This Belgian shop just threw an American flag sign over their soda and called it a day.

This Belgian shop just threw an American flag sign over their soda and called it a day.

Twitter / Gillian Kloet

3. New Zealand has an impressive variety of cookie dough bites and cajun foods.

New Zealand has an impressive variety of cookie dough bites and cajun foods.

Reddit / not_charles_grodin

4. That’s a lot of barbecue sauce. Shout out for including the cheap wine and pink champagne, though!

5. Oh no, France. That is not how we do hot dogs. Not at all.

Oh no, France. That is not how we do hot dogs. Not at all.

Reddit / kencrema

6. At leastthis grocery store in Paris remembered to include the ranch dressing.

At leastthis grocery store in Paris remembered to include the ranch dressing.

Reddit / Patriceg

7. Reese’s overseas marketing game is strong. The U.K. even has those special Reese’s snowmen!

Reese's overseas marketing game is strong. The U.K. even has those special Reese's snowmen!

Reddit / dayus9

8. As an American, I feel obliged to tell Denmark that not all of us like Jell-O. Also, that’s a ridiculous amount of mustard.

9. Did Germany get all the bottled cheese? I have never seen that in the States!

Did Germany get all the bottled cheese? I have never seen that in the States!


10. I’ve also never seen McDonald’s condiments for sale. Apparently, they’re all hiding in Denmark.

I've also never seen McDonald's condiments for sale. Apparently, they're all hiding in Denmark.

Reddit / Barl3000

11. Kidney beans, maple syrup, and fluff? Is France trying to sell American food or host a bizarre cooking challenge?

Kidney beans, maple syrup, and fluff? Is France trying to sell American food or host a bizarre cooking challenge?

Reddit / kidfay

12. Nothing says Americana like Pop-Tarts, peanut butter, and Pepsi!

Nothing says Americana like Pop-Tarts, peanut butter, and Pepsi!

Reddit / thetoastmonster

13. If you ever celebrate a birthday in Amsterdam, you won’t have a problem baking a cake.

If you ever celebrate a birthday in Amsterdam, you won't have a problem baking a cake.

Reddit / SilentGinGhost

14. At least Sweden included plenty of popcorn, beef jerky, and “ass-kickin'” peanuts.

At least Sweden included plenty of popcorn, beef jerky, and "ass-kickin'" peanuts.

Reddit / svullenballe

15. Giant marshmallows and ranch dressing. It doesn’t get any more American than that…I guess.

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These pictures say a lot about how America is perceived by the rest of the world. Don’t forget to share them with your friends and family! (And if you know anyone from another country, maybe remind them that most of us eat our veggies.)

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