These 20 Animals Experiencing Their First Snow Days Are Too Good For This World

Part of the fun in raising pets from babies is that you get watch them reacting to their firsts.

And one big first for our little buddies is that fluffy blanket of snow that covers the ground during the cold months. If you love seeing those fat snowflakes fall at the beginning of the season, just imagine the curiosity and wonder you’d feel in those moments having never seen it at all. These 20 cats and dogs had similar feelings when they witnessed snow for the first time — but we can’t say they all had positive experiences!

1. “Let me back in right this instant!”

"Let me back in right this instant!"

Reddit / EYCI

2. You get an A+ for (terrifying) enthusiasm, buddy.

You get an A+ for (terrifying) enthusiasm, buddy.

Reddit / sumptimwong

3. “Now you see me, now you don’t!”

"Now you see me, now you don't!"

Imgur / morgasmic

4. “I. AM. DONE.”

"I. AM. DONE."

Reddit / idunnox1

5. “She is not impressed.”

"She is not impressed."

Reddit / Cactusy

6. I’m not sure whether he’s dancing or trying to jump away!

He’s never felt snow before!

7. “No no no no no no no no!”

"No no no no no no no no!"

Reddit / artBran

8. “It’s so beautiful.”

"It's so beautiful."

Reddit / tgibson12

9. “Where’s all this white stuff coming from?”

10. “I don’t think he likes that whole winter idea.”

"I don't think he likes that whole winter idea."

Reddit / Medicina

11. “OMGOMGOMG snow!”


Reddit / savagepirate

12. “Tastes like happiness.”

"Tastes like happiness."

Reddit / Slayer128

13. “Should I stay or should I go?!”

14. Looks like the little guy is fitting right in.

Looks like the little guy is fitting right in.

Imgur / stephy151

15. “Wut iz dis, hooman?!”

"Wut iz dis, hooman?!"

Reddit / dax268

16. Perfect timing.

Perfect timing.

Reddit / rcinferno

17. “See the snow. Feel the snow. Be the snow.”

"See the snow. Feel the snow. Be the snow."

Reddit / please_agree

18. Instant regret.

Instant regret.

Reddit / Mexispan

19. “Well, I’m screwed.”

"Well, I'm screwed."

Imgur / PixelEffect

20. “Just leave me here.”

"Just leave me here."

Reddit / Cylon_Skinjob

(via Bored Panda)

How did your pets react to their first snow? Let us know in the comments whether they loved or hated it.


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