There Are Plenty Of Ways To Stop Theft At The ATM, And This Is Definitely The Cutest

Using an ATM can be pretty frightening these days when you consider the risk of getting robbed.

While security cameras can capture these crimes and help police identify the thieves, they can’t completely prevent these ordeals from happening in the first place. That’s why some people have taken to bringing their dogs along with them whenever they need to withdraw some cash, and they’re the cutest body guards ever.

One security pup is great. Two is even better!

One security pup is great. Two is even better!

Imgur / mustafasoho14

“Don’t even think about it.”

"Don't even think about it."

Reddit / atrain1189

“Come near my hooman and I won’t be so adorable.”

“Don’t worry, Mom. We have your back.”

"Don't worry, Mom. We have your back."

Imgur / vaguetommy

Don’t be fooled by these happy faces…

Don't be fooled by these happy faces...

Imgur /outerspace

…because this is what happens when you try to mess with their owners.

(via BoredPanda)

I’m guessing this form of security works in more ways than one. If I was going to rob someone, I’d probably get distracted by wanting to pet their furry buddies!

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