It Looks Like This Baby’s On A Roller Coaster, But The Truth Is Way Cuter

Part of the joy of being a parent is seeing your little ones smile or watching them have a blast while doing something fun you set up for them.

That’s why many parents love taking the extra steps to give their kids a good time, like building pillow forts, creating scavenger hunts, or turning the sprinklers on and creating a makeshift waterpark on a hot day.

That’s what these parents were aiming for when they decided to take their six-month-old daughter, Holly, on her first roller coaster ride and record the experience. If this appears dangerous to you, trust me — it’s not what you think.

That's what these parents were aiming for when they decided to take their six-month-old daughter, Holly, on her first roller coaster ride and record the experience. If this appears dangerous to you, trust me -- it's not what you think.

YouTube / ViralHog

At first glance, it looks like Holly is on a real roller coaster, but she’s actually just in front of her parents’ TV.

At first glance, it looks like Holly is on a real roller coaster, but she's actually just in front of her parents' TV.

YouTube / ViralHog

They thought it would be a fun experience for her to feel what it was like to ride one, so they set up a simulation on the screen, put her in her own seat, and even turned a fan on so her hair would blow around. Watch the adorable footage below!

While Holly didn’t seem too impressed by the setup, her parents say that’s just her normal expression. I’m sure she’ll be screaming with delight in a few years when she graduates to the real rides.

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