This Professor Had The Perfect Response To A Young Mom Who Skipped Class

Being a single parent is tough enough without the added stress of going to school, but many people do so to make sure they can give their little ones a good life.

Morgan King has been juggling college classes, working, and caring for her three-month-old daughter, Korbyn. While she’s doing a great job as a single mom, her situation definitely doesn’t come without its issues.

Morgan recently had to miss one of her classes at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville when she couldn’t find a babysitter for Korbyn in time.

Morgan recently had to miss one of her classes at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville when she couldn't find a babysitter for Korbyn in time.

Twitter / Morgan King

When she emailed the professor, Sally Hunter, to let her know what was going on, she received a seriously kind and unexpected response.

When she emailed the professor, Sally Hunter, to let her know what was going on, she received a seriously kind and unexpected response.

Twitter / Morgan King

Not only was the woman understanding, but she even offered to watch Korbyn during class! Morgan was so touched by the message that she started crying as soon as she read it.

Not only was the woman understanding, but she even offered to watch Korbyn during class! Morgan was so touched by the message that she started crying as soon as she read it.

Twitter / Morgan King

Here’s what the awesome professor had to say to Morgan:

Hey Morgan,

We wondered where you were this morning.

I am so sorry to hear that childcare issues are what caused you to miss class today.

In the future, if you are having trouble finding someone to watch Korbyn, please feel free to just BRING HER with you to class. I would be absolutely delighted to hold her while I teach, so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes. I work for the Department of CHILD and FAMILY Studies — so how terrible would it be, if was unwilling to have your child visit our class? I’m very serious with this offer — just bring Korbyn with you!

Regarding Quiz 5 today, it can just be one of the two quizzes you can drop. No worries. And your absence from today’s class is considered “excused.”

Let me know if there are other ways I could be supporting you!

Dr. H

(via MommyPage)

People like this kind lady are making it easier for single parents to go to school, and that’s amazing! Share if you think the world needs more educators like her.

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