What Happens When A Farm Full Of Goats Fills Up Even More With Babies? Pure Bliss

Every spring, Chris and Jill DeHaven get the distinct pleasure of helping their goats give birth to bouncing babies at the DeHaven Family Farm in Union Dale, Pennsylvania.

Last week, the family spent six straight days delivering tiny bundles of joy.”Lots of babies, yeah, lots of babies. This is the most amount of babies we’ve ever had,” said Chris, owner of the farm.

While their Nigerian Dwarf goats began going into labor during a blizzard last week, Chris was outside frantically shoveling and plowing snow.

While their Nigerian Dwarf goats began going into labor during a blizzard last week, Chris was outside frantically shoveling and plowing snow.

Facebook / DeHaven Family Farm

Meanwhile, everyone else was inside witnessing not two…

Meanwhile, everyone else was inside witnessing not two...

Facebook / DeHaven Family Farm

…not four…

...not four...

Facebook / DeHaven Family Farm

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…but a total of 24 little newborns gracing the world with their presence — and they’re still waiting on two more goats to give birth!

...but a total of 24 little newborns gracing the world with their presence -- and they're still waiting on two more goats to give birth!

Facebook / DeHaven Family Farm

And to keep up with their yearly spring tradition, Jill released this amazing video of the little darlings bouncing with joy — be still, my heart!


Of course, many of them are already spoken for — but you’re in luck if you’re in the market for adorable baby goats (really, who isn’t?) because some are still available!

(via WNEP)

Anyone down for a road trip to Pennsylvania?I’m seriously considering picking one up myself!Be sure to share these little heartbreakers with anyone who needs a heavy dose of cuteness.

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