A Dog Saw A Box At The Front Door And Started Barking At It. Then This Came Out!

One of the hardest parts of growing up and moving on in life is having to say goodbye to your childhood pets.

While you’ve grown to cherish the bond between man and man’s best friend, sometimes there’s no other option but to leave your pets with family and friends while you take the next big step in your life.

When this woman left her precious pup Sandy under the care of her parents, she knew it was going to be heartbreaking for both of them. But when she was able to return home for the holidays, she wanted to surprise her fur baby in the best way possible.

When a big box showed up at the door, Sandy didn’t know what to expect.

When a big box showed up at the door, Sandy didn't know what to expect.

Youtube / ViralHog

But maybe Sandy picked up on Mom’s scent, because she quickly started barking furiously at the parcel!

But maybe Sandy picked up on Mom's scent, because she quickly started barking furiously at the parcel!

Youtube / ViralHog

Watch as Sandy reunites with her favorite human:

Nothing beats an emotional reunion, especially when animals are involved. It’s clear these two love each other to pieces!

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