Bullies Called Her ‘Purple People Eater’ Because Of Birthmark But Her Transformation Is Amazing

Kiana Smith is a normal woman just like anyone….except for one thing. She was born with one of the rarest birthmarks known to man. This birthmark is known as a port wine stain and it is massive. It stretches from one side of her face to the other and makes it down into her neck and chest area. As you may have guessed, she endured a fair amount of ridicule growing up.

She received a series of demeaning nicknames and was even referred to as the “purple people eater”. Kiana has since undergone a series of surgeries in hopes of reducing the birthmark’s size. Laser treatment has also been administered to the area. The surgeries have helped significantly. She no longer has to carry around the same bulk on her face that she was once accustomed to.

The transformation is certainly noteworthy. She used to be able to feel blood pumping through the unsightly birthmark and this problem has since gone away. Her speech was impaired by the birthmark before as well. So how does these types of birthmarks even end up taking place anyways? The answer happens to be a rather simple one.

The root cause of the port wine stain birthmark is an outward growth of blood vessels. When these vessels continue in a manner that is unchecked, these birthmarks are created as a result. These growths never go away entirely and she has finally accepted it. Kiana does not allow the birthmark to keep her from living life in the manner that she desires.

Kudos to her for not allowing the birthmark to seize control of her life. She has certainly come a long way since childhood, hasn’t she? Kiana knows that people are going to stare but in her mind, that is their problem and not hers. We are inclined to agree! Kiana has even become an ambassador for the Vascular Birthmark Foundation.

She is not sure what the future holds but with a mentality like hers? The sky is definitely the limit. Kiana admits that she is never going to be fully happy with the way that she looks. Despite everything that has happened in her life, she is going to continue to strive for all of her goals and dreams. She has achieved a great deal despite her unique appearance and we are sure that the best is yet to come.

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