A Big, Scary Rottweiler Lunged At A Tiny Bunny…Then This Cuteness Happened

If I’ve learned anything from the variety of pets I’ve cared for throughout my life, it’s that they never fail to surprise you.

I was always under the impression that cats and dogs were mortal enemies, for example, but now that I’m living peacefully with both (for the most part), I know this assumption couldn’t be more wrong.While it always depends on the particular critters in question, the same can be said for other animal pairs as well.Just ask these unlikely friends.

If you looked out into your backyard and saw this Rottweiler right next to a bunny, you might fear for the little creature’s life — that is, until you see the adorable way they play together.

Warning: this video may cause you to go into cuteness overload.Viewer discretion is advised.


I could watch these cuties all day!It’s seriously impossible not to smile at their silly antics. Be sure to share this video with all your animal-loving friends!

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