Everyone knows that kids are a huge handful and only need a second to get into trouble or sneak away from their parents’ watchful eyes.
That’s why some people have considered and even gone through with leashing their children in crowded public areas to make sure they always know where their little ones are. While some believe that using a leash on a child is inappropriate, wrong, and even humiliating, one dad’s explanation for why he does so is something all parents should consider whether they choose to do it themselves or not.
Clint Edwards, the creator of the popular parenting blog, “No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog,” recently put his daughter on a backpack leash when he took her to a local farmer’s market.
Facebook / No Idea What I’m Doing: A Daddy Blog
He decided to share a picture of her wearing it to show that he wasn’t ashamed of his choice. Read why he says he feels that way in his own words below.
We were at the farmers’ market. No shame. I put this kid on a leash.
She’s a wild child, and this thing has already kept her out of the road and from sticking her hand in an ice cream machine, along with keeping me sane.
The real difficulty with having a wild child is that you are damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Because the fact is, if I didn’t put Aspen on a leash while at amusement parks, the zoo, a crowded mall, or the farmers’ market, she’d be the lost child announced over the intercom. She’d be the kid popping up in every Facebook feed for wandering into a shopping center parking lot unattended. She could be the child climbing into the tiger cage. Because I can’t, for the life of me, keep her from moving. Her curiosity is incredible, and for only having a 12-inch stride, she moves faster than any Olympian.
And sure, I get dirty looks from strangers. In fact, I’ll probably get some ‘I’m the perfect parent and this is why you suck’ comments on this post. And to you I say this, ‘I’m keeping this kid safe while maintaining my [peace] of mind, and that is 100% worth it.’ Because the reality is she’ll calm down. She’ll figure it out, because all kids do. But until that day comes, I’m going to do whatever I can to keep her out of danger, even if it means a leash.
(via BoredPanda)