Most couples would enjoy going out to dinner or the movies for date night, but these two need just a bit more of a thrill.
Flaviu Cernescu and his girlfriend, Ena, are huge daredevils, to say the least. They’ve been dreaming of climbing to the top of the tallest chimney in Europe for quite some time, and they recently got to fulfill it when they traveled to Slovenia.
The chimney, which is part of the Trbovlje Power Station, is about 365 meters or just under 1,200 feet tall.
But that didn’t deter them all from making the long climb to the top. First, they started ascending a ladder inside the structure in total darkness.
Then they opened a door to the outside and climbed the rest of the way up.
When they got to the top, they didn’t just sit — they walked around the edge and even juggled!
Check out the amazing footage they captured in the video below. I would be terrified of falling if I were in their shoes, especially considering they didn’t use any safety gear!
(via Daily Mail)