Dogs make the world a more adorable, goofy, and lovable place to live. But their incredible cuteness only makes it all the more difficult when you decide to bring one into your home. All of their sweet, fluffy faces make it so difficult to choose one breed.
The solution: don’t simply pick one breed when you can mix them together for a double dose of adorable. Mixed breeds are generally healthier and even their names are more delightful! These mutts will make you say aww.
1. Dorgi
Dalmatian and Corgi
2. Pitsky
Pit Bull and Husky
3. Chusky
Chow Chow and Husky
4. Dalmachshund
Dalmatian and Dachshund
5. Labsky
Labrador and Husky
6. Chug
Chihuahua and Pug
7. Corman Shepherd
Corgi and German Shepherd
8. Yorkiepoo
Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle
9. Beagleman
Beagle and Doberman Pinscher
10. Pomsky
Pomeranian and Husky
11. Horgi
Husky and Corgi
12. Bullpug
Bulldog and Pug
13. Schnoodle
Schnauzer and Poodle
14. German Chow
German Shepherd and Chow Chow
15. Chiweenie
Chihuahua and Dachschund
16. Golden Dox
Golden Retriever and Dachshund
17. Cheagle
Chihuahua and Beagle
18. Golden Doodle
Golden Retriever and Poodle
19. Puggle
Pug and Beagle
20. Maltipoo
Maltese and Poodle
21. Auss-Tzu
Miniature Australian Shepherd and Shih-Tzu
22. Alaskan Malador
Alaskan Malamute and Labrador
23. Aussiedoodle
Australian Shepherd and Poodle
24. Afador
Afghan Hound and Labrador
25. Bojack
Boston Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier
26. Beabull
Beagle and Bull Dog
27. Double Doodle
Goldendoodle and Labradoodle
28. French Pin
French Bulldog and Miniature Pinscher
On top of all the cuteness, mixed breeds are also usually healthier than a pure breed option suffering from puppy mill cruelty. Check out all the reasons you should look into adoption instead of purchasing your pooch.